Preset toppitv/pedestal_swordless - alttpr

Preset toppitv/pedestal_swordless - alttpr


# Customizer Example Preset YAML by DrDiabetus
customizer: true
# Seed specific settings
    # Item accessibility settings
    accessibility: items
        # items     All items can be aquired
        # locations All locations can be reached
        # none      The seed is beatable, but not all things must be in logic
    # How many crystals are required for gt and ganon
        ganon: "7"
            # "0"
            # "1"
            # "2"
            # "3"
            # "4"
            # "5"
            # "6"
            # "7"
            # random
        tower: "7"
            # "0"
            # "1"
            # "2"
            # "3"
            # "4"
            # "5"
            # "6"
            # "7"
            # random
    # Custom logic specific settings
        # Define if specific minor glitches are in logic or not
        canBootsClip:      false
        canBunnyRevive:    false
        canBunnySurf:      false
        canDungeonRevive:  false
        canFakeFlipper:    false
        canMirrorClip:     false
        canMirrorWrap:     false
        canOWYBA:          false
        canOneFrameClipOW: false
        canOneFrameClipUW: false
        canSuperBunny:     false
        canSuperSpeed:     false
        canWaterWalk:      false
        customPrizePacks:  false
        # Customize enemy drops
            # Total should be:    63
                ArrowRefill10:    3
                ArrowRefill5:     5
                Bee:              0
                BeeGood:          0
                BombRefill1:      7
                BombRefill4:      1
                BombRefill8:      2
                Fairy:            1
                Heart:            13
                MagicRefillFull:  3
                MagicRefillSmall: 6
                RupeeBlue:        7
                RupeeGreen:       9
                RupeeRed:         6
        # Customize the item pool
            # Total should be (normally): 216
                Arrow:                 1
                # ArrowUpgrades to increase arrow capacity
                ArrowUpgrade10:        0
                ArrowUpgrade5:         0
                BigKeyA1:              0
                BigKeyA2:              1
                BigKeyD1:              1
                BigKeyD2:              1
                BigKeyD3:              1
                BigKeyD4:              1
                BigKeyD5:              1
                BigKeyD6:              1
                BigKeyD7:              1
                BigKeyH2:              0
                BigKeyP1:              1
                BigKeyP2:              1
                BigKeyP3:              1
                # Clock for timer modes
                BlueClock:             0
                BlueMail:              0
                BlueShield:            0
                Bomb:                  0
                # BombUpgrades to increase bomb capacity
                BombUpgrade10:         0
                BombUpgrade5:          0
                Bombos:                1
                BookOfMudora:          1
                Boomerang:             1
                BossHeartContainer:    10
                Bottle:                0
                BottleWithBee:         0
                BottleWithBluePotion:  0
                BottleWithFairy:       0
                BottleWithGoldBee:     0
                BottleWithGreenPotion: 0
                BottleWithRandom:      4
                BottleWithRedPotion:   0
                Bow:                   0
                BowAndArrows:          0
                BowAndSilverArrows:    0
                BugCatchingNet:        1
                CaneOfByrna:           1
                CaneOfSomaria:         1
                Cape:                  1
                CompassA1:             0
                CompassA2:             1
                CompassD1:             1
                CompassD2:             1
                CompassD3:             1
                CompassD4:             1
                CompassD5:             1
                CompassD6:             1
                CompassD7:             1
                CompassH2:             0
                CompassP1:             1
                CompassP2:             1
                CompassP3:             1
                Ether:                 1
                FiftyRupees:           7
                FireRod:               1
                FiveRupees:            4
                Flippers:              1
                # Clock for timer modes
                GreenClock:            0
                HalfMagic:             1
                Hammer:                1
                Heart:                 0
                HeartContainer:        1
                Hookshot:              1
                IceRod:                1
                KeyA1:                 2
                KeyA2:                 4
                KeyD1:                 6
                KeyD2:                 1
                KeyD3:                 3
                KeyD4:                 1
                KeyD5:                 2
                KeyD6:                 3
                KeyD7:                 4
                KeyH2:                 1
                KeyP1:                 0
                KeyP2:                 1
                KeyP3:                 1
                L1Sword:               0
                L1SwordAndShield:      0
                L3Sword:               0
                L4Sword:               0
                Lamp:                  1
                MagicMirror:           1
                MapA1:                 0
                MapA2:                 1
                MapD1:                 1
                MapD2:                 1
                MapD3:                 1
                MapD4:                 1
                MapD5:                 1
                MapD6:                 1
                MapD7:                 1
                MapH2:                 1
                MapP1:                 1
                MapP2:                 1
                MapP3:                 1
                MasterSword:           0
                MirrorShield:          0
                MoonPearl:             1
                Mushroom:              1
                Nothing:               0
                OcarinaActive:         0
                OcarinaInactive:       1
                OneHundredRupees:      1
                OneRupee:              2
                PegasusBoots:          1
                PieceOfHeart:          24
                Powder:                1
                PowerGlove:            0
                ProgressiveArmor:      2
                ProgressiveBow:        2
                ProgressiveGlove:      2
                ProgressiveShield:     3
                ProgressiveSword:      4
                Quake:                 1
                QuarterMagic:          0
                RedBoomerang:          1
                # Clock for timer modes
                RedClock:              0
                RedMail:               0
                RedShield:             0
                Rupoor:                0
                Shovel:                1
                SilverArrowUpgrade:    0
                SmallMagic:            0
                TenArrows:             12
                TenBombs:              1
                ThreeBombs:            16
                ThreeHundredRupees:    6
                TitansMitt:            0
                Triforce:              0
                # Add some pieces if you wanna play a triforce-hunt modi ------------------------------
                TriforcePiece:         0
                TwentyRupees:          27
            # If more than items than the given max are found, replace it with a certain item
                    #Bottle: 2
                    #Shield: 1
                    #Sword: 3
                    #Bottle: OneHundredRupees
                    #Shield: TwentyRupees2
                    #Sword: TwentyRupees2
        # Additional specific settings, leave empty for nothing
        # Set an amount of Triforce Pieces that are required to beat the seed, if you play a triforce-hunt modi ------------------------------
        item.Goal.Required: ''
        item.require.Lamp: false
        # OHKO clock values in seconds ------------------------------
        item.value.BlueClock: ''
        item.value.GreenClock: ''
        item.value.RedClock: ''
        item.value.Rupoor: ''
        # Pendants and crystals can appear in both world
        prize.crossWorld: true
        # Should pendants/crystals be shuffled
        prize.shuffleCrystals: true
        prize.shufflePendants: true
        region.bossNormalLocation: true
        region.wildBigKeys: false
        region.wildCompasses: false
        region.wildKeys: false
        region.wildMaps: false
        rom.dungeonCount: 'off'
        rom.freeItemMenu: true
        rom.freeItemText: true
        # Retro Keys
        rom.genericKeys: false
        rom.logicMode: NoGlitches
            # MajorGlitches
            # no_logic
            # overworld_glitches
        rom.mapOnPickup: false
        # Retro-Bow ------------------------------
        rom.rupeeBow: false
        # In-Game-Timer mode ------------------------------
        rom.timerMode: ''
            # stopwatch - A timer that counts up
            # countdown-ohko - A timer that counts down, once it reached zero your in ohko. You might want to place some clocks
        # OHKO-Start timer in seconds
        rom.timerStart: ''
        # Oncle spoils boots loocation ------------------------------
        spoil.BootsLocation: false
    # Drop-Sets. You can delete this if you dont want to change anything special
        # Things that can be dropped:
            - auto_fill
            - auto_fill
            - auto_fill
            - auto_fill
            - auto_fill
            - auto_fill
            - auto_fill
            - auto_fill
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            - auto_fill
            - auto_fill
            - auto_fill
            - auto_fill
            - auto_fill
    # Entrance shuffle
    entrances: none
        # none
        # dungeonssimple
        # dungeonsfull
        # simple
        # restricted
        # full
        # crossed
        # insanity
    # Keysanity options
    dungeon_items: standard
        # full
        # small_keys
        # s - same as small keys
        # c - compass
        # m - map
        # b - big keys
    # Enemizer options
        boss_shuffle: none
            # none
            # simple
            # full
            # random
        enemy_damage: default
            # default
            # shuffled
            # random
        enemy_health: default
            # default
            # easy
            # hard
            # expert
        enemy_shuffle: none
            # none
            # shuffled
            # random
        # If a pot contains a switch, the switch can be shuffled under another aviable pot
        pot_shuffle: 'off'
            # 'on'
            # 'off'
    # Starting items
        - BossHeartContainer
        - BossHeartContainer
        - BossHeartContainer
    # Logic settings
    glitches: none
        # none
        # major_glitches
        # no_logic
        # overworld_glitches
    # Goal settings
    goal: pedestal
        # ganon
        # fast_ganon
        # dungeons
        # pedestal
        # triforce-hunt
        # trinity
        # ganonhunt
        # completionist
    # Dungeon tiles can provide hints
    hints: 'off'
        # 'off'
        # 'on'
    # Item setting
        functionality: normal
            # normal
            # hard
            # expert
        # You can use this instead of a custom item-pool
        pool: normal
            # normal
            # hard
            # expert
    # Item-placement logic. Advanced include bonks and fire rod for dark rooms
    item_placement: advanced
        # advanced
        # standart
    lang: en
    # World-state
    mode: open
        # standard
        # open
        # inverted
        # retro
    # Include a spoiler log
    spoilers: 'off'
        # 'off'
        # 'on'
    #tournament: true
    # Weapon-settings
    weapons: swordless
        # randomized
        # assured
        # vanilla
        # swordless
    # Pseudoboots start
    pseudoboots: false
        # true
        # false
    # Name this settings/seed
    name: Pedestal Swordless
    # Give a discription
    notes: The target is Master Sword Pedestal. To complete the mode, find and defeat all of the Pendant Dungeons Bosses in the Pedestal Swordless!
    # Specify items to appear on a specific location. You can find out what code corresponds to what location by reading a plandomizer site
        # R2Fub24ncyBUb3dlciAtIEJpZyBDaGVzdDox: BigKeyA2:1
        # TWFzdGVyIFN3b3JkIFBlZGVzdGFsOjE=: TriforcePiece:1
        # UHlyYW1pZCBGYWlyeSAtIExlZnQ6MQ==: TriforcePiece:1
    # Force a item to be in one of a few locations
        #- item: "TriforcePiece:1"
            # - R2Fub24ncyBUb3dlciAtIEJvYidzIFRvcmNoOjE= # Bob's Torch
            # - R2Fub24ncyBUb3dlciAtIERNcyBSb29tIC0gVG9wIExlZnQ6MQ== # DMs Room - Top Left
            # - R2Fub24ncyBUb3dlciAtIERNcyBSb29tIC0gVG9wIFJpZ2h0OjE= # DMs Room - Top Right
            # - R2Fub24ncyBUb3dlciAtIERNcyBSb29tIC0gQm90dG9tIExlZnQ6MQ== # DMs Room - Bottom Left
            # - R2Fub24ncyBUb3dlciAtIERNcyBSb29tIC0gQm90dG9tIFJpZ2h0OjE= # DMs Room - Bottom Right
            # - R2Fub24ncyBUb3dlciAtIFJhbmRvbWl6ZXIgUm9vbSAtIFRvcCBMZWZ0OjE= # Randomizer Room - Top Left
            # - R2Fub24ncyBUb3dlciAtIFJhbmRvbWl6ZXIgUm9vbSAtIFRvcCBSaWdodDox # Randomizer Room - Top Right
            # - R2Fub24ncyBUb3dlciAtIFJhbmRvbWl6ZXIgUm9vbSAtIEJvdHRvbSBMZWZ0OjE= # Randomizer Room - Bottom Left
            # - R2Fub24ncyBUb3dlciAtIFJhbmRvbWl6ZXIgUm9vbSAtIEJvdHRvbSBSaWdodDox # Randomizer Room - Bottom Right
            # - R2Fub24ncyBUb3dlciAtIEZpcmVzbmFrZSBSb29tOjE= # Firesnake Room
            # - R2Fub24ncyBUb3dlciAtIE1hcCBDaGVzdDox # Map Chest
            # - R2Fub24ncyBUb3dlciAtIEhvcGUgUm9vbSAtIExlZnQ6MQ== # Hope Room - Left
            # - R2Fub24ncyBUb3dlciAtIEhvcGUgUm9vbSAtIFJpZ2h0OjE= # Hope Room - Right
            # - R2Fub24ncyBUb3dlciAtIEJvYidzIENoZXN0OjE= # Bob's Chest
            # - R2Fub24ncyBUb3dlciAtIFRpbGUgUm9vbTox # Tile Room
            # - R2Fub24ncyBUb3dlciAtIENvbXBhc3MgUm9vbSAtIFRvcCBMZWZ0OjE= # Compass Room - Top Left
            # - R2Fub24ncyBUb3dlciAtIENvbXBhc3MgUm9vbSAtIFRvcCBSaWdodDox # Compass Room - Top Right
            # - R2Fub24ncyBUb3dlciAtIENvbXBhc3MgUm9vbSAtIEJvdHRvbSBMZWZ0OjE= # Compass Room - Bottom Left
            # - R2Fub24ncyBUb3dlciAtIENvbXBhc3MgUm9vbSAtIEJvdHRvbSBSaWdodDox # Compass Room - Bottom Right
            # - R2Fub24ncyBUb3dlciAtIEJpZyBLZXkgUm9vbSAtIExlZnQ6MQ== # Big Key Room - Left
            # - R2Fub24ncyBUb3dlciAtIEJpZyBLZXkgUm9vbSAtIFJpZ2h0OjE= # Big Key Room - Right