Preset toppitv/shops_invrosiaboots - alttpr

Preset toppitv/shops_invrosiaboots - alttpr


# Doors Example Preset YAML by DrDiabetus
doors: true
description: "Shopsanity - Invrosia Boots"
    # Logoc settings
    logic: noglitches
        # noglitches
        # minorglitches
        # nologic
        # owglitches
        # majorglitches
    # Item accessibility settings
    accessibility: items
        # items
        # locations
        # none
    # Item distrubition settings
    algorithm: balanced
        # balanced - standard
        # equitable
        # vanilla_fill
        # dungeon_only
        # district
        # major_only
    # World state
    mode: inverted
        # open
        # standard
        # inverted
    # Retro-mode. Affects keys and bow settings
    retro: false
    # Sword-setings
    swords: assured
        # random
        # assured
        # swordless
        # vanilla
    # Your goal
    goal: ganon
        # ganon        - vanilla
        # pedestal
        # dungeons     - ad
        # triforcehunt
        # crystals     - fast ganon
        # trinity
    # Triforce Pieces settings
    triforce_goal: 30
    triforce_pool: 40
    # Crystal settings
    crystals_gt: "7"
        # 0
        # 1
        # 2
        # 3
        # 4
        # 5
        # 6
        # 7
        # random
    crystals_ganon: "7"
        # 0
        # 1
        # 2
        # 3
        # 4
        # 5
        # 6
        # 7
        # random
    # Item-pool
    difficulty: normal
        # normal
        # hard
        # expert
    # Item-functionality
    item_functionality: normal
        # normal
        # hard
        # expert
    # Keysanity options
    bigkeyshuffle:  false
    keyshuffle:     false
    compassshuffle: false
    mapshuffle:     false
    keysanity:      false
    # Enemys that drop keys/big keys will drop some random item
    keydropshuffle: false
    # Restrict dungeon items on bosses
    restrict_boss_items: none
        # none
        # mapcompass
        # dungeon
    # Entrance shuffle
    shuffle: vanilla
        # vanilla
        # simple
        # restricted
        # full
        # crossed
        # insanity
        # restricted_legacy
        # full_legacy
        # madness_legacy
        # insanity_legacy
        # dungeonssimple
        # dungeonsfull
    # If entrance shuffle, shuffle ganons hole. Normally its active when entrance shuffle
    #shuffleganon: true
    # Force the pyramid to be open or closed
    #openpyramid: false
    # If entrance shuffle, shuffle links house
    #shufflelinks: false
    # Doors mode
    door_shuffle: vanilla
        # vanilla - no doors
        # basic   - dungeon rooms only shuffled among themselves
        # crossed - dungeons will be put together from all aviable rooms
    # Doors intensity, only active while doors
    intensity: 2    
        # 1 - only doors and spiral stairs
        # 2 - all connections
        # 3 - dungeon entrances can spawn in all aviable locations
    # Prevent mixed travel between dungeons in doors
    mixed_travel: prevent
        # prevent
        # allow
        # force
    # In-game checks tracker in dungeons
    dungeon_counters: "default"
        # default
        # off     - always off
        # on      - always on
        # pickup  - on compass pickup
    # Enemizer settings
    shuffleenemies: none
        # none
        # shuffled
        # chaos
        # random
        # legacy
    shufflebosses: none
        # none
        # simple
        # full
        # chaos
        # random - fully random
        # unique - 1 boss in all dungeons
    enemy_damage: default
        # default
        # shuffled
        # random
    enemy_health: default
        # default
        # easy
        # normal
        # hard
        # expert
    # If a pot contains a switch, the switch can be shuffled under another aviable pot
    shufflepots: false
    # Pottery options
    pottery: none
        # none
        # keys
        # lottery
        # dungeon
        # cave
        # cavekeys
        # reduced
        # clustered
        # nonempty
    # Bee-traps settings
    beemizer: 0
        # 0 - no traps
        # 1 - 25% bee traps
        # 2 - 40% bee traps, 20% useless refill
        # 3 - 50% bee traps, 50% useless refill
        # 4 - 100% bee traps
    # Experimental features
    experimental: true
    # Dungeon tile hints
    hints: false
    # Pseudoboots start
    pseudoboots: false
    # Shopsanity
    shopsanity: true
    # Bombbag
    bombbag: false
    # Timer options
    timer: none
        # none
        # display
        # timed
        # timed-ohko
        # ohko
        # timed-countdown
    # If you want start-items. 
    usestartinventory: true
    startinventory: "Pegasus Boots"
    # Progressive items. Standart on
    #progressive: "on"
    # Custom item-pool
        bow: 0
        progressivebow: 2
        boomerang: 1
        redmerang: 1
        hookshot: 1
        mushroom: 1
        powder: 1
        firerod: 1
        icerod: 1
        bombos: 1
        ether: 1
        quake: 1
        lamp: 1
        hammer: 1
        shovel: 1
        flute: 1
        bugnet: 1
        book: 1
        bottle: 4
        somaria: 1
        byrna: 1
        cape: 1
        mirror: 1
        boots: 1
        powerglove: 0
        titansmitt: 0
        progressiveglove: 2
        flippers: 1
        pearl: 1
        heartpiece: 24
        heartcontainer: 10
        sancheart: 1
        sword1: 0
        sword2: 0
        sword3: 0
        sword4: 0
        progressivesword: 4
        shield1: 0
        shield2: 0
        shield3: 0
        progressiveshield: 3
        mail2: 0
        mail3: 0
        progressivemail: 2
        halfmagic: 1
        quartermagic: 0
        bombsplus5: 0
        bombsplus10: 0
        arrowsplus5: 0
        arrowsplus10: 0
        arrow1: 1
        arrow10: 12
        bomb1: 0
        bomb3: 16
        bomb10: 1
        rupee1: 2
        rupee5: 4
        rupee20: 28
        rupee50: 7
        rupee100: 1
        rupee300: 5
        blueclock: 0
        greenclock: 0
        redclock: 0
        silversupgrade: 0
        generickeys: 0
        triforcepieces: 0
        triforcepiecesgoal: 0
        triforce: 0
        rupoor: 0
        rupoorcost: 10